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Director of Operations


Roady the black and white cat

Director of Operations


Roady is a very special team member at Pusch Ridge Pet Clinic. In September of 2018, Roady was seen running through traffic. She was rescued by the fire department and brought to Pusch Ridge for some much needed TLC. She was a very small kitten with black tire and road debris all over her, road rash on her face, and a broken tail. Hence the name we all know and love Roady McRoaderson! Pusch Ridge doctored her into the beautiful kitty you see today! Roady has a very important job at Pusch Ridge.

As the director of operations, she makes sure that the warmies are just right for surgical patients. She is a professional food critic, making sure all the pet food is fresh and oh so yummy. She is a great chair warmer, especially for Dr. Poage! Roady oversees patient care in one of her many plush beds unless she is sleeping on the job! Roady’s goals are to have an office with a view, unlimited cat treats, plush warm beds for all, and maybe a friend to share it with!